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Sunday, April 25, 2010





Hi~ Today I received a piano lesson. It was kinda though =(. The teacher was interesting and taught me patiently and slowly. Although piano is hard, I wanna be good at it. I want to play piano pieces such as Natsukage and Chiisana te no hira. I don't know how long I need to be able to play these songs, but I decided to try my best in learning piano.

Yesterday I was quite shocked during my Japanese class. As usual, I asked my teacher about some grammar that I heard from anime. But this time she said this: "Don't jump so fast!" to me which I thought that I had made her mad by asking her those "unrelated" questions every time. Which was why I decided that questions that are not related would have to hold.

(I decided not to translate the last part lol.... Secrets =X)...

Since I've nothing more to write, I'll stop here. Bye~

~ { 10:49 PM }

Wednesday, April 21, 2010




~ { 12:25 AM }

Monday, April 19, 2010



いまから、日本語を練習のために、BLOG をかくようにしている。日本語で書くはちょっと難しい。でも、私は日本語が上手になることがほしいです。BLOGを誰もよまないから、日本語でかくはいいかなああ。。。

今朝、Symphonic Rainのゲームは全部のrouteをあそんだ。とても暖かい物語だよ。このBLOGの音楽はぜんぶSymphonic Rainの中の音楽ですよ~~いい歌曲と思う。


~ { 6:23 PM }

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Hatsune Miku Albums =).... See for yourself. I've got the latest album Memories and impact too hahah... Anyway Miku birthday is over a few days ago. Nevertheless. happy belated 18th bday miku! =D.

Hmm.. I signed up for JLPT 4, but I feel that I would fail the exam lol... The registration was kin of complicated. They provided a booklet of instructions which cost 2 dollars -_-.. what the... A booklet of about 20 pages? To aid you in filling up just one application form lol. Thats crazy o.o.. Maybe because JLPT is a major exam similar to O levels which is done globally. Well I guess i'll stop here for today. Ja mata!

~ { 9:08 PM }

Thursday, August 27, 2009


(A new song by miku,kaito and luka was released, but it was a kinda sad song. I prefer Luka and Kaito, because I don't like Kaito to be with Miku=X. In my opinion, this song melody is cool. Here is the song, ACUTE)

(Today, my supervisor isn't in the office, therefore there was nothing to do. But it was not boring. I am mapling, doing my japanese homework and typing my blog. Not free at all=X. This morning, I completed my report(SIP). I was a little happy. My attachment is finishing soon, till 18 September, I'll be doing the same thing everday. It is quite enjoyable here. I must hand in my SIP report by September 25. Haven't showed my teacher yet. I think I'll send it to her by email tml.)

(Well then, I've finish writing my blog! Please come here again to read! Cya~)

Hmm a Japanese entry... I tried to used most of the grammer that I knew in it for practice haha, So some sentence may feel weird=/. Anyway cya agin.. haha

~ { 2:49 PM }

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OMG!! I just watched the 4 acts on the Evil twins. Nearly teared lol!!

I decided to post them here in the correct sequence.

Daughter of Evil:

Servant of Evil:

Message of Regret:


I'll give a short summary about the story. The entire 4 videos is about the Kagami twins(Rin and Len).

The first act is about Rin was the evil princess where people suffered under her rule. When she was captured by the angry citizens and put to death.

Second act is more of the "behind the scenes" type of thing. It is about Len telling Rin that, since he looked like her, he would take the place of death instead of her.

Third act is about how Rin regreted being so selfish to Len.

Fourth act is about how they were forgiven and Len came back to life!

There were other songs for the side characters in the act (Miku and Kaito). Their songs melody were the same as one of the songs that I've posted, so no point posting it here haha...

Anyway thats all for this entry. cya!

~ { 11:28 AM }

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Omg!!! Toradora in vocaloid!

~ { 10:34 PM }