(A new song by miku,kaito and luka was released, but it was a kinda sad song. I prefer Luka and Kaito, because I don't like Kaito to be with Miku=X. In my opinion, this song melody is cool. Here is the song, ACUTE)
(Today, my supervisor isn't in the office, therefore there was nothing to do. But it was not boring. I am mapling, doing my japanese homework and typing my blog. Not free at all=X. This morning, I completed my report(SIP). I was a little happy. My attachment is finishing soon, till 18 September, I'll be doing the same thing everday. It is quite enjoyable here. I must hand in my SIP report by September 25. Haven't showed my teacher yet. I think I'll send it to her by email tml.)
(Well then, I've finish writing my blog! Please come here again to read! Cya~)
Hmm a Japanese entry... I tried to used most of the grammer that I knew in it for practice haha, So some sentence may feel weird=/. Anyway cya agin.. haha